Crossing Over to the Other Side

I've crossed over this week . . .  to

the beginning of another summer,

the start of my life at fish camp,

another fishing season 
          with new people,

           with children a year older,

               with changes I can see and others I cannot.

And you! You're crossing over as well, 

from one season to another, 

maybe from one life to another, 

from one house to another,

from one job to another,

with changes you can see and changes you cannot . . . 

It seems to me

Maybe going to heaven is like this.

The call comes . . . Some of us will get a chance to pack

and some of us won't. Maybe we'll take a small plane where we sit very close to one another, 

and even though it's summer, the mountains will still be shining in their snowy shawls, 

and maybe a skiff ride would come next, with a little dog (about to have puppies) and an amazing husband,

and your first glimpse of that place will feel electric and yet without surprise,

Yes, I thought it might look like this . . . .

And you get closer, and the mountains creep nearer, watching you back, 

and you land, and people you love are there to greet you. And you walk in the house. See how many have left their feet behind just to enter these doors!!

The hot water and tea is already on the stove,

and the windows are dressed just as you thought they might be,

but they're not exactly the same.

And the places and things you love are here, but you haven't seen them for awhile, because you've been away, in another life.

The very first day I follow the paths my feet already know, but my eyes are peeled wider than ever before

And look! There are even new eaglets in this heaven in the same nest I have watched for years. 

When we cross over

to the place called "Summer"

(to the place called Harvester Island),

to the place called Heaven,

We are leaving home, 

to come home.

The two will be so much closer than we imagined,

and we will rue that we didn't see it,  

We will rue that what we were dying for was already given

in measures inexhaustible,


Heaven begins now

     among us, beneath us, above us, between us,

It will not wait for us to die 

to burst upon us the way it did the first morning here

when we sat together over mountains and sea

and he said, "Thank you for never giving up, thank you

for so much grace, thank you that all was not lost,"

and tears came into my words too, as I held his hands


And all is new again. But better. 

I don't know if you will hear these kinds of words

as you cross over into

Your new summer, your new job,

 your new loss, your new family,

your new life, 

but God is even now making all things new,

(and better) in ways we can see and ways we cannot,

and maybe it will start with the words we speak

to someone this week, or the way we listen to someone,

or the way we don't give up loving when it is hard to love.

Then, God's dwelling place is surely with us. 

And there, in those words, in that place,

you will finally be


Have you crossed over, friend, and found Home? 

From here, cheering and praying for you,





  1. Thanks, Leslie. I'm facing an empty nest this fall, with my last leaving for college. Having homeschooled for 22 years now, I can't imagine the quiet that will be. Believing for new purpose, new direction, all the while staying focused on Home. -- Julie (Susannah's Mom)

    1. Julie--thank you for joining me here in this space! (And excited that you're coming later on!!) I KNOW you will find new purpose and fruit in what the Lord brings to you these NEXT 22 years!! What a huge transition, but an exciting time! (Loving your daughter!!)

  2. Thank you for these beautiful words. They made me cry, because they touched something deep in me. I'm leaving Poland next month after teaching ESL here for 5 yrs, and going back to the US for a year, though it's been 19 yrs since I lived there. I needed these words that told me that even now, I'm Home-- even now, I can enter into the Eternal Rest that is given to me. All is grace, and all shall be well!

    1. Anita----ohmygoodness, this is really a passage, isn't it? You WILL be fine and well, and you will find home and make home wherever you land, because CHrist comes with you, and is even now preparing this year ahead for you. Walk in it confidently, Anita! (And drop me a note somewhere along the way to share how it goes??) BLessings and grace upon grace to you in this exciting new year, Leslie

  3. Yes! I can just imagine it...the coming home to Harvester Island, but more than that. Eternity is in our hearts. Thanks Leslie!

    1. Diane--ye,s you know what arriving at Harvester is like!! ANd already we are now in our first week of fishing. (And already I had my first skiff breakdown yesterday---had to be towed into Larsen Bay.) But looking to live out heaven in this place, at our full table of 11!! I know you will be doing the same there in New York!

  4. Dear Leslie,
    Yesterday I read something of yours published on another site and signed up for your updates. I was intrigued that you live in Kodiak. I lived there with my husband and our first son for three years in the '80s. To click on the link today and see these lovely words and beautiful photographs was a joy, indeed. Thank you.

    1. Hi Alexandra, thanks for reading and writing. Yes, I live in Kodiak, and spend the summers out at our fish camp (where the photos are taken). I hope you have good memories of "the Rock"! Thankful you found some joy here! Where do you live now? BLessings on your piece of heaven! Leslie

  5. I am crossing over...over the finish line of 27 yrs of homeschooling... A new chapter is being written...and this journey will lead me to my new "home" .... Exciting while at the same time feel a bit disorienting

    1. Ro--I have another reader at exactly the same place. (See above, under "Susannah") I cannot imagine that kind of dedication and commitment---and then-----Over. But I also know GOd has much in store for you!! WIth all you have learned and gained, you are the perfect one for _____________. Your gifts will be just what will speak and bring "heaven" to someone else now. Excited to see what and where this will be!!

  6. This made me cry because I think you are very close to the truth of how it is. Thank you. I thank God for you, your writing, your mind, and your eyes. Jesus, thank you for Leslie who brings forth the good news from all corners of life and the earth.

    1. Marlena, you knock me low with your words . . . . Whatever is here is all given. Thank you for all of your obediences, which bless many!!

  7. I'm studying the Psalms of Ascent these days, and your words are folded into the pages along with those of the pilgrims who knew that all of our travelling is really a journey toward God.

    1. Michele, ahh, the Psalms of Ascent! Love those!! Yes, there we are with them, climbing to the city of God. Blessed by your words, Michelle.

  8. Ah, this hit very close to home! We are leaving MI, retiring, and hoping to spend more time in our heaven on the Moose River, but also stepping into a great big unknown. Thanks for affirming my thoughts, putting words to my unease, and speaking my heart ....

    1. Jan, blessings as you go!! And may the Lord give you words and sight to bring heaven to that already-beautiful place!!
